A downloadable University Project

This is a project done in university for a  videogames subject. The goal

of the project was to replicate the videogame Sisao by havana24.

This project was made alongside my classmate, whose profile can be found here: https://xennsss.itch.io/

The game is built on C++ using OpenGL, on top of an engine skeleton given by the university. Art is recreated based on the original game.


There is a problem with the shader that simulates the water when resizing the window, because this shader does not take into account the window resolution.

Now I know this could be easily fixed passing a uniform with the window resolution, but since its an old project, I have not done it.


SisaoReplica(2DGame).zip 204 MB

Install instructions

The downloadable file contains the source code and binaries of the game, alongside a video demonstration. To play, execute 02-Bubble.exe inside the folder SisaoBinaries.